Wk 9 — Art Activity — Student Choice, Part 2

Jason Hurtado
Oct 26, 2020

In my original vision, I wanted to have a proper representation of my desk at home. In my vision, I wanted to have a very realistic replica, but I do not know how to properly represent lighting. I did the best I could with a black colored pencil to highlight and shade. It was very hard to make it seem like it was on a desk, so i added my monitor to add more context and perception.

I think my project was not a success because I do not know how to properly portray red LED lighting on my keyboard, so I resorted to making the keycaps red. Most of the items in my room are black, white or grey which resulted in most of my drawing to be in greyscale which is tough for me to properly represent as well.

I believe the compromises I had to make for the controller and mouse to look defined and decent made my overall drawing worse, as not making my controller and mouse very black and colored in made them seem out of place and drastically different from the keyboard that was not in greyscale and actually fully colored in.

I was able to explore how difficult it is to move from a sketch, to a fully colored in drawing. I have never converted a black and white pencil sketch to a finished drawing before.

In the future I would like to experiment with a more colorful subject so that I may have experience with having to color in more than I did in this project.

